Feb 16, 2025
2016-2017 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Spanish Language, Literature and Culture, BA
Myrna García Calderón
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
310 HB Crouse
The B.A. in Spanish language, literature, and culture offers cross-disciplinary exposure to the various literary genres and linguistic analyses of Spanish, South American, Central American, Caribbean, and Latino cultures. The language and history of the regions encourage students to formulate diverse theoretical models and cultural perspectives, which may be applied to a variety of career options. Courses range from the beginning level through a series of 300- and 400-level courses that allow students to pursue a major or minor in Spanish. All students with more than one year of high school Spanish are required to take a placement examination, which is given every fall. Students who do not take the exam in the fall should consult the Spanish language coordinator about their placement. The examination is a requirement for all students regardless of class standing.
First-year students need permission to enroll in courses numbered 300 or above. SPA 202 or its equivalent is a prerequisite for courses numbered 300 and above. Students, including transfers, with credits earned in Spanish, should consult the major advisor of Spanish as early as possible. Early consultation is also important for students with little or no preparation in Spanish so they may be sure to satisfy prerequisites and requirements within four years.
Study Abroad
To become fluent in the language and to learn about other cultures and people, students are encouraged to study abroad for a semester or a year. Syracuse University’s programs in Madrid, Spain and Santiago de Chile allow students to take fully accredited courses in Spanish language and literature, anthropology, fine arts, history, political science, and public communication. Students should take all of their courses in Spanish. Students choosing Spanish as a major are encouraged to take advantage of the study abroad program in Madrid or Santiago. Through the Dominican Republic Consortium students also have the opportunity to study in the Caribbean. For further information, contact the Spanish program coordinator or Syracuse University Abroad, 106 Walnut Place. Major Requirements
The major in Spanish consists of 30 credits in upper division courses taught in Spanish. Three credits from SPA 202 may be applied to the major. SPA 301 - Approaches to Reading Texts is a requirement for all majors and minors. It is recommended that students take SPA 301 immediately following SPA 202 and before entering any 400-level course. At least 6 credits of 300-level courses should be taken before entering the 400 level, but it is not a requirement. Six courses (18 credits) are required at the 400 level and must include the following distribution: 2 courses in Spanish Peninsular Literature, 2 courses in Latin American Literature, 1 course in Latino Literature, and 1 course in Spanish Linguistics. Courses with the number 400 are special topics courses and will be accepted as distribution requirements according to the course title. Courses offered through SU Abroad in Madrid and in Santiago, Chile that have been approved by the Spanish program will be accepted for distribution requirements. At least 15 credits of SPA coursework must be taken on the Syracuse campus. 400-LEVEL COURSES IN FULFILLMENT OF THE MAJOR
Latin American Literature
Latino Literature requirement
Spanish Linguistics requirement