Student Learning Outcomes
Professional Standards for Educational Leaders
Standard 1. Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-being of each student.
Standard 2. Ethics and Professional Norms.
Effective educational leaders act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
Standard 3. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness
Effective educational leaders strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
Standard 4. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Effective educational leaders develop and support intellectually rigorous, culturally relevant and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote all students’ academic success and wellbeing.
Standard 5. Community of Care and Support for Students
Effective educational leaders cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community that promotes the academic success and well-being of all students.
Standard 6. Professional Capacity of School Personnel
Effective educational leaders develop the professional capacity, cultural competence, and practice of school personnel to promote the love of learning, academic success, and well-being of all students.
Standard 7. Professional Community for Teachers and Staff
Effective educational leaders foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
Standard 8. Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community
Effective educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
Standard 9. Operations and Management
Effective educational leaders manage school operations and resources to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
Standard 10. School Improvement
Effective educational leaders act as agents of continuous improvement to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
Certificate Requirements
The 30-credit Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Leadership requires completion of the eight online three-credit courses listed below and an intensive six-credit internship (with accompanying online seminars) extending over two or three semesters. Students are required to attend classes online during the specific class time.
In order to graduate, candidates must also have successfully completed or complete during the program:
- master’s degree of at least thirty credits in a subject other than educational leadership to meet a requirement of 60 graduate credits;
- NY State approved workshops on identifying and reporting child abuse, violence prevention and intervention (SAVE), and DASA (Dignity for All Studies Act);
- a Group Leadership Exercise before commencing their internship;
- a successful preparation and presentation of a professional portfolio.
New York certification also requires passing exams in both School Building Leadership and School District Leadership, as well as fingerprinting/background checks.
Candidates are discouraged from beginning their administrative internship until they have completed all other required coursework, and may not commence the internship until they have completed at least 15 credits of coursework.