2022-2023 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Applied Mathematics, BS
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Department Chair: Graham J. Leuschke, 215 Carnegie Building, gjleusch@syr.edu, 315-443-1478
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies: Leonid Kovalev, 311C Carnegie Building, lvkovale@syr.edu, 315-443-1487
S.P. Diaz, L. Kovalev, A. Vogel, S. Wehrli
Uday Banerjee, Pinyuen Chen, Dan Coman, J. Theodore Cox, Steven Diaz, Nicole M.L. Fonger, Jack E. Graver, Duane Graysay, Tadeusz Iwaniec, Lee Kennard, Hyune-Ju Kim, Mark Kleiner, Leonid Kovalev, Loredana Lanzani, Graham J. Leuschke, Wei Li, Jianxuan Liu, Adam Lutoborski, Joanna O. Masingila, Claudia Miller, Jani Onninen, Declan Quinn, Minghao Rostami, Lixin Shen, Gregory Verchota, Andrew Vogel, Stephan Wehrli, William Wylie, Yuan Yuan, Dan Zacharia, Yiming Zhao
B.S. in Applied Mathematics is recommended for those students who intend to pursue a career in a field that requires advanced mathematical training, often beyond an undergraduate degree. Students who plan to pursue graduate study in applied mathematics should obtain the B.S. degree and consider taking at least one first-year graduate (600-level) course.
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate facility with the techniques of single and multivariable calculus and linear algebra 2. Effectively communicate mathematical ideas orally and in writing 3. Make symbolic calculations by hand and numerical calculations using MATLAB (or other appropriate software) 4. Reproduce essential assumptions, definitions, examples, and statements of important theorems 5. Solve standard science and engineering problems by selecting and applying and appropriate mathematical model 6. Solve problems using advanced undergraduate methods from each of the following areas: differential and linear equations, analysis, probability and statistics Preliminary and Extra-disciplinary Requirements
Preliminary and extra-disciplinary requirements for both B.A and B.S. degrees - Complete 18 credits in the following classes with no grade below a C: MAT 295 , MAT 296 , MAT 331 , MAT 397 , and MAT 375 or CIS 375 . These courses are prerequisites for most upper-division courses. The following sequence is recommended: MAT 295 in the first semester; MAT 296 in the second semester; MAT 331 , MAT 397 in the third semester; and MAT 375 /CIS 375 when appropriate. However, a student with knowledge of trigonometry and a year of high school calculus may be able to enter the sequence at MAT 296 or even MAT 397 ; a student with less preparation may be advised to complete MAT 194 before beginning the calculus sequence. Students considering becoming mathematics majors are strongly encouraged to talk to a mathematics major advisor as soon as possible to ensure appropriate selection of courses.
- Complete a course in computing such as CPS 196 , ECS 102 or ECS 104 . A similar course may be substituted with advisor’s approval.
- Complete two sequences of two approved science courses for a total of four different courses outside of the mathematics department, such as BIO 121 - BIO 123 , CHE 106 (CHE 107 ) - CHE 116 (CHE 117 ), PHY 211 (PHY 221 ) - PHY 212 (PHY 222 ), ECN 101 - ECN 102 , or ECN 101 - ECN 203 , ECS 221 - ECS 222 , ELE 231 , or another, more advanced sequence with the approval of a mathematics major advisor. This requirement is waived if the student earns either (i) a minor in Applied Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering disciplines, Information Management & Technology, or Physics, or (ii) a major in one of natural sciences, engineering/technology disciplines, economics or finance.
B.S. Degree Requirements
Students interested in pursuing the B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics obtain, in advance, the approval of a mathematics major advisor and the department chair of a petition to the effect that the upper-division courses to be taken satisfy the requirement for a B.S. degree. In addition to the preliminary and extra-disciplinary requirements described above, the student must earn credit for the following courses, with a grade average of at least 2.0. Differential Equations sequence:
Numerical Methods course:
Table 1: sequences for B.S. in Applied Mathematics*
*First course in each of the sequences in Table 1. Second course in one of the sequences in Table 1. Linear Transforms Sequence:
Probability and Statistics Sequence:
9 credits of elective mathematics courses numbered 490 or higher, except MAT 503. With prior approval of the student’s major advisor, mathematically rich 500+ level courses in other departments may be substituted for the mathematics electives. Additional Information
Distinction in Applied Mathematics is awarded by the Mathematics Department upon completion of a B.S. in Applied Mathematics with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.4, a minimum GPA of 3.6 in mathematics (MAT) courses at the 300+ level, and either an A or A- in the Senior Seminar or a high-quality Capstone Thesis. See the Mathematics Department undergraduate advisor for additional requirements.
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