2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Anthropology, PhD

Ph.D. students must demonstrate, by earning a “Ph.D. Pass” on the Qualifying Examination, that they are qualified to carry out a significant body of anthropological research. Once their proposal has been approved by their committee, they are expected to carry out the project and write a dissertation based on this research.

1. Basic requirements:

72 graduate credits (past B.A.) as follows:

  • Minimum of 33 credits in anthropology
  • Maximum of 27 credits in cognate fields
  • Maximum of 12 “dissertation” credits
  • Completion of core courses (or the equivalent-see M.A. guidelines )
  • Satisfactory completion of the qualifying examination

2. Students with a Prior Master’s Degree

2. Students with a prior master’s degree must fulfill all core courses and qualifying requirements (see M.A. guidelines ). This may be accomplished through satisfactory completion of required coursework and/or the Qualifying Examination, or other means approved by the Graduate Committee (petition to the graduate director is required).

3. Tools and methods requirement:

Cultural students must satisfy the tools and methods requirements for the M.A. plus show proficiency in a language of international scholarship, a literary language, or a field language.

Archeology students must satisfy the tools and methods requirements for the M.A. plus show proficiency in a language of international scholarship, a literary language, a field language, or in managing electronic databases and other computer programs for data processing.

4. Dissertation committee:

The Ph.D. student is responsible for forming a committee that will guide and preside over the doctoral dissertation. The committee is composed of five members, including the student’s principal advisor and at least two other faculty members from the department. At the discretion of the advisor, one member of the committee may be chosen who has no affiliation with Syracuse University.

5. Position papers:

Doctoral students are required to write three position papers on topics selected in consultation with the student’s advisor and committee. The position papers are intended to demonstrate the student’s competence in a) the geographical area and focal context of specialization, b) the topic of specialization (local and cross-cultural perspectives on a specific research topic), and c) a specific research problem. The position paper should be the student’s original synthesis of the specialized literature in each of the three areas. The ideal paper would be one that could be published in the Annual Review of Anthropology. Position papers may be written and submitted at any time beginning in the student’s third term of residence. They must all be completed and approved before a formal research proposal may be defended.

6. Dissertation proposal and proposal defense:

Doctoral students must submit a dissertation proposal to their dissertation committee, and successfully defend it during an oral examination. The dissertation proposal should be a substantive piece of work demonstrating competencies in theory, method, topic, and geographic area sufficient to support the proposed research.

7. Dissertation and dissertation defense:

The dissertation is an original and substantial written report on the student’s doctoral research. Completed dissertations are subject to a formal dissertation defense.