2016-2017 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Linguistic Studies, MA
Gerald Greenberg
441 Hall of Languages
Tej K. Bhatia, Amanda Brown, Richard W. Buttny, Kevan Edwards, Gerald R. Greenberg, Diane Grimes, Jaklin Kornfilt, Elizabeth D. Liddy, Amy Lutz, Linda Milosky, Amardo Rodriguez, Robert A. Rubinstein, Robert Van Gulick, Susan S. Wadley, Bei Yu
This program provides the student with intensive and advanced education in linguistics and language-related study. The student works with the concentration advisor in one of six concentration areas:
Information Representation and Retrieval;
Language Acquisition;
Language, Culture, and Society;
Linguistic Theory;
Logic and Language; and
Teaching languages (English Language Teaching/Foreign Language Teaching)
Program Requirements
The M.A. degree requires 30 credits of graduate coursework. 12 credits come from the following Core courses: LIN 601 - Introductory Linguistic Analysis , LIN 631 - Phonological Analysis , LIN 641 - Syntactic Analysis , LIN 571 - Topics in Sociolinguistics . The remaining 18 credits come from one of the six concentration areas with the approval of the advisor for that concentration area. All four Core courses and all required courses within a student’s concentration area must be completed with a grade of B or better; all other courses must be completed with a grade of B- or better. A thesis may be substituted for 6 credits of course work subject to the approval of the concentration advisor. All students must successfully complete three comprehensive examinations; one in Syntax, one in Phonology, and one in Sociolinguistics. All students must also either successfully complete a comprehensive examination in their concentration area, or successfully write and defend a thesis in their concentration area. The student works with the concentration advisor in one of six concentration areas: Linguistics Core Courses (12 credits)
Concentration Area Required Courses (6 Credits)
Concentration Area Elective Courses (12 Credits)
Select four courses from the list below in consultation with your advisor. Linguistics Core Courses (12 Credits)
Concentration Area Required Courses (12 Credits)
Choose 3 of the Following:
* A course in phonetics or permission of the instructor is required prior to taking these courses. Concentration Area Elective Courses (6 Credits)
Select two courses from the list in consultation with your concentration advisor. Linguistics Core Courses (12 Credits)
Concentration Area Required Courses (3 Credits)
Concentration Area Elective Courses (9 Credits)
Select 3 courses from the list in consultation with the concentration advisor. “Structure of Modern Language or History of Language” Course
An advanced “Structure of Modern Language or History of Language” course, or an area studies course, may be taken with approval of the concentration advisor and the Program. Linguistics Core Courses (12 Credits)
Concentration Area Required Courses (6 Credits)
Select 2 courses from the list below in consultation with your advisor. Note:
*Given that LIN 741 is offered in the Fall, LIN 641 - Syntactic Analysis must be taken in the Spring semester. *LIN 741 is a required course in this concentration (unless it is not offered in the student’s second year). Concentration Area Elective Courses (9 Credits)
Select three appropriate courses from the list below in consultation with your concentration advisor. Foreign Language Requirements (3 Credits) or LIN 600 Field Methods (3 Credits)
To fulfill the Foreign Language Requirement, a student in the Linguistic Theory concentration must enroll in a language class other than her/his native language or English designated as [LANGUAGE DESIGNATION] 620. The language must be selected in consultation with the Concentration Advisor and cannot be a language the student has significant familiarity with. The student must fulfill all the requirements of the course, will receive a grade in that course, and will earn 3 credits toward her/his degree. In addition, to complete the requirement, the student must write two papers (of approximately 15 pages each) one on the phonology and one on the syntax of the particular language. These papers are graded by the Concentration Advisor or other faculty to be designated by the Concentration Advisor. Successful completion of the language course and the two papers completes the foreign language requirement. The student will enroll in the relevant language course by her/his third semester in the MA program. With the permission of the Concentration Advisor, this requirement can also be fulfilled by taking LIN 600 Field Methods, when offered. Thesis Option: In substitution for six of the elective credits, the student may prepare a thesis under the supervision of the concentration advisor and other faculty participating in the Program and on a topic approved by the Program. Degree Total: 30 Credits Linguistics Core Courses (12 Credits)
Concentration Area Required Courses (6 Credits)
Formal Languages. Choose one of the following:
Concentration Area Elective Courses (6-12 Credits)
a. Additional Courses from list of Formal Languages
b. Any concentration-advisor-approved graduate linguistic (LIN) course
c. Any concentration-advisor-approved philosophy (PHI) course numbered 700 or above
Linguistics Core Courses (12 Credits)
Concentration Area Required Courses (6 Credits)
A. Select 2 of the following courses in consultation with the concentration advisor:
Data Exploration and Management
B. Select 2 of the following courses in consultation with the concentration advisor: