2015-2016 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

2016-17 Graduate Course Updates

Graduate Course Changes effective for the 2016-2017 Academic Year
This list of course additions and deletions has been approved by the University Senate as of February 17, 2016



AAS/HST 424/624                             African American Urban History (3)                                          [as of 1/14/15]

This seminar will examine the complex and varied Black urban experiences in the 20th and 21st centuries from the 1890s to the present. Additional work required of graduate students.

GEO 422/622                                      Water: Environment, Society and Politics (3)                       [as of 1/14/15]

Critical geographical analyses of inter-connected and cross-scalar role of water in environment, society, politics and economy globally. Investigates various water-society relationships, water governance, policies, crises, struggles, controversies, conflicts, and water justice, in theory and practice. Additional work required of graduate students.



BEN/CEN 473/673                             Biomanufacturing (3)                                                                    [as of 2/17/16]

The governing principles of conventional and advanced manufacturing techniques, which are adapted/modified to engineer living tissues/organs, biomedical products and test-platforms for investigating fundamental cell biology. Additional work required of graduate students. Prereq: BEN 364 or BEN 664

BEN 474/674                                       Medical Image Processing & Analysis (3)                                    [as of 2/17/16]

Introductory medical image processing and analysis. An open source software that has been developed for this purpose will be used. Additional work required of graduate students.

BEN 687                                                Advanced Bioengineering Design (3)                                       [as of 2/17/16]

Bioengineering solution development experience. Team development of a bioengineering innovation. Brainstorm, design, iterate and test hypotheses. Lecture and experiential learning. Hands on concept development and evaluation, bioengineering industry exposure, visual management, oral, and poster presentations.

ECS 555                                 Virtual Design Studio for Green Building Systems (VDS-GBS) (3)          [as of 2/17/16]

Integrative design methodology; Interactions between form, structure, and flows of energy & mass, and their impacts on building performance; Computer simulation tools for performance-based design. Exploration of green building design and technology through case studies



HTW 630                                              Introductory Biostatistics (3)                                                       [as of 12/2/15]

An introduction to commonly used methods for analyzing public health data. Use of statistical and graphical software will be emphasized.

HTW 631                                              Intermediate Biostatistics (3)                                                      [as of 12/2/15]

Multivariate approaches to analyzing public health data, including multiple regression, logistic regression, and partial correlations. Use of statistical software will be emphasized. Prereq: HTW 630

HTW 632                                              Advanced Biostatistics (3)                                                            [as of 12/2/15]

Conduct statistical analysis of public health related time-to-event data and counts data, and conduct meta-analysis as they relate to public health data. Prereq: HTW 631

HTW 633                                              Spatial Statistics for Public Health (3)                                           [as of 12/2/15]

Statistical approaches to the analysis of public health related spatial data.

HTW 997                                              Master’s Thesis (3)                                                                        [as of 12/2/15]

Written document exhibiting substantive and original research in Public Health. Planned under direction of major departmental advisor.

MFT 996                               Doctor of Practice in Couple and Family Therapy Capstone (3)                  [as of 2/17/16]

Integration of theoretical, research and practice skills through the development of a written capstone proposal and an oral presentation. Students must take the capstone twice for a total of 6 credits. Students must complete 18 program credits before beginning capstone.

NSD 516                                               Nutrition Counseling Experience (1)                                            [as of 12/2/15]

An applied interaction to develop nutrition counseling skills for working with a variety of individuals for health promotion, disease prevention in preparation for conducting medical nutrition therapy. Pre-Coreq: NSD 512

NSD 637                                               Integrative and Functional Nutrition (3)                                        [as of 2/17/16]

A focus on patient centered care using a combination of conventional evidence based medical nutrition therapies that recognize genetic uniqueness, core physiological imbalances and the role of the environment in health and disease. Prereq: NSD 665 and NSD 667

NSD 667                                               Metabolism of Macronutrients (4)                                                [as of 2/17/16]

An overview of the structure and function of the major macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids) in the
maintenance of human health. Introduction to metabolic pathways and the principles of cellular bioenergetics in the regulation and utilization of energy nutrients.   

NSD 685                                               Nutritional Genomics (3)                                                              [as of 2/17/16]

An advanced study of the effects of genetic variation on optimal nutrient intake and the nutritional regulation of metabolic pathways.

SPM 437/637                                      Sport Venue Management (3)                                                      [as of 2/17/16]

Planning and managing different types of sport facilities. Understanding the complexity of conceptualizing, constructing, promoting, managing and maintaining modern sport stadiums, arenas, domes and multi-purpose facilities. Additional work required of graduate students.

SPM 449/649                                      Technologies in Game Day Operations (3)                                  [as of 2/17/16]

Current applications of technology as it relates to sport venues and sport organizations will be examined. Topics include: sound systems, ticketing systems, video and score board operations, and lighting systems. Additional work required of graduate students.

SWK 403/603                                      Social Work and the Human-Animal Bond (3)                             [as of 12/2/15]

Introduction to theory and research on the roles of human-companion animal relationships in social work and biopsychosocial well-being. Additional work required for graduate students.

SWK 718               Working with Animals in the Human Services: Observation & Practices(3)              [as of 12/2/15]

Individual projects requiring intensive observation, study, or active participation in settings where animals are part of human service delivery. Linkage of theory and findings in research literature to social work practice. Prereq: SWK 601 and SWK 603


AIC 321/621                                        Art, Activism, Modernity (3)                                                        [as of 2/17/16]

History, theory, and practice of visual artists in publicly-engaged, community-based, and socially-active projects. Additional work required of graduate students.

AIC 423/623                                        Artists Who Write (3)                                                                     [as of 2/17/16]

Analysis, history of manifestos, theoretical writings produced by visual artists in the 20th century. Students write their own manifestos, press releases, artist statements and other forms of art communication. Additional work required of graduate students.

ARI 566                                                 Painting: Experimental Media: Assemblage/Collage (3)  [as of 1/20/16]

Students will create artworks using non-traditional materials exploring assemblage with found materials and objects.

ARI 575                                                 Lake Effect Editions: Fine Art Print Publishing (3)                               [as of 1/20/16]

Work directly with Visiting Artists to create new works on paper. Participants will also get experience with the presentation and sale of works on paper published by Lake Effect Editions.

ILL 455/655                                          Illustration Concepts: Editorial Track II (3)                              [as of 2/17/16]

For senior/graduate students continuing to advance their study in editorial illustration related to Freelance Illustration, Publishing, (either in print or digitally) or Websites. Assignments in drawing and digital skills commenting on social and/or political issues. Additional work required of graduate students. Prereq: ILL 355

ILL 456/656                                          Illustration Concepts: Sequential Track II (3)                        [as of 2/17/16]

Advanced skills for Graphic Novels, Children’s Books, Comics or Storyboarding. Additional work required of graduate students. Prereq: ILL 356



ICC 528                                                 Multimedia Projects (3)                                                                 [as of 12/2/15]

Students design and script an interactive storytelling project that includes photos, videos, sound, text, graphics, and database information, which then will be prepped for publication intended for mobile device



ACC 652                                                Accounting Analytics (3)                                                               [as of 11/4/15]

Accounting analytics including Benford’s Law, current and prior period data, anomaly detection, correlation and time series detection, risk assessment and risk scoring, and purchasing card transaction fraud.


FIN 654                                                 Financial Analytics (3)                                                                     [as of 11/4/15]

An introduction to methods and tools useful in decision-making in the financial industry, including: macroeconomic event studies, analysis of term structures, Morningstar equity data, style analysis, credit card receivables, trading analytics, execution algorithms, etc.

MAR 653                                              Marketing Analytics (3)                                                                 [as of 11/4/15]

Marketing analytics techniques including discriminant analysis, logit, cluster analysis, factor analysis, and conjoint analysis. Marketing decision support models such as new product diffusion, test-market, price and sales promotion decision models.

SCM 651                                               Business Analytics (3)                                                                  [as of 11/4/15]

Business analytics including advanced spreadsheets; relational database and SQL queries; statistical analysis in R including multi-linear regression, interactions, tests for regression assumptions, logit, probit; neural networks; and dashboards.


EEE 476/676                                        Advanced Topics in Family Business Management (3)     [as of 1/20/16]

Covers advanced topics in family business management, such as taxation, establishment of trusts and estates, legal transfer of ownership, legal forms and valuation. Additional work required of graduate students. 

Prereq:  EEE 370

FIN 452/652                                        Working Capital Management (3)                                        [as of 1/20/16]

Introduction to corporate financial decision-making related to daily operations, including balanced scorecard use, financial forecasting, management of current assets and liabilities, international issues, and use of information technology. Case studies are emphasized.  Additional work required of graduate students. 

Prereq: FIN 256 or FIN 301

FIN 607                                                 Bank Management (1.5)                                                    [as of 1/20/16]

This course will describe how a bank operates and the unique set of financial statements and terms that are specific to the banking industry.