2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Oct 23, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Portrait photograph of Can IsikJ. Cole Smith, Dean
223 Link Hall

About the College

These are exciting times in engineering and computer science. Revolutionary changes in multiple areas continue to transform the operations of most traditional employers of engineers and computer scientists. The demand for individuals with degrees in engineering and computer science is greater than ever. In addition, new nontraditional opportunities for engineering and computer science graduates are opening in law, medicine, public policy, finance, management, and communications. Traditional tools and technical know-how are often no longer enough. Today’s engineers and computer scientists must possess a broader set of perspectives, experiences, and skills to contribute successfully in a dynamic, rapidly changing world.

Syracuse University College of Engineering and Computer Science (E&CS) offers courses and programs that are designed to prepare leaders for a high-technology, knowledge-based global community. Through courses in the college and across the University, E&CS offers students a breadth of opportunities and experiences that is unmatched by programs at most other universities.

The college offers ten undergraduate programs: bachelor of science programs in aerospace engineering, bioengineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, and bachelor science program in computer science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org. In addition we offer the Systems and Information Science, BS.

New engineering and computer science students enroll in ECS 101  - Introduction to Engineering and Computer Science. ECS 101 provides a broad introduction to each of our degree programs, allowing students an opportunity to explore areas outside their initial majors. ECS 101 is also open to students of other SU colleges who are interested in exploring the areas of engineering or computer science.

E&CS students may choose from a variety of study options, including technical and non-technical minors, combined B.S./M.S. degree programs, and a combined undergraduate degree program between E&CS and the College of Arts and Sciences. The college also offers its students opportunities for study abroad, internships and undergraduate research.

Founded in 1901, E&CS enjoys a long-standing reputation for excellence and innovation. The college community is composed of outstanding students, faculty, and staff who are dedicated to personal excellence and success.


Bachelor of science programs in aerospace engineering, bioengineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, and mechanical engineering accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, and bachelor science program in computer science accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.

Student Outcomes

Graduates of the engineering programs will have the ability to:

  1. Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Graduates of the computer science program will have an ability to:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.

Educational Mission and Vision

The College Mission

The mission of the college is to promote learning in engineering and computer science through integrated activities in teaching, research, scholarship, creative accomplishments, and service.

The College Vision

The vision of the college is to earn recognition among universities for engineering and computer science programs that prepare leaders for a high-technology, knowledge-based, global community. The vision for E&CS is a distinct student-centered research university model for engineering and computer science education. Features of this model include the following:

  • the commitment that all programs relate directly to students and their learning experiences;
  • the commitment that research is an integral element of the learning environment;
  • the flexibility for students to pursue the diversity of learning opportunities available in a broad university setting; and
  • the commitment to world-class quality in courses and programs.

Undergraduate Program Overview

The college offers ten undergraduate programs: bachelor of science programs in aerospace engineering, bioengineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, and bachelor science program in computer science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org. In addition we offer the Systems and Information Science, BS.

Aerospace Engineering, BS
Bioengineering, BS
Chemical Engineering, BS
Civil Engineering, BS
Computer Engineering, BS
Computer Science, BS
Electrical Engineering, BS
Environmental Engineering, BS
Mechanical Engineering, BS
Systems and Information Science, BS

General Regulations

For academic rules and regulations that apply to all University students, see the Academic Rules  section of this catalog, which also contains special regulations that apply only to students matriculated in the College of Engineering and Computer Science.

Engineering and computer science students enrolling at Syracuse University must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average in all engineering, mathematics, and science courses taken at SU. Furthermore, all students must satisfactorily complete at least 24 credits, including summer courses taken here or transferred to Syracuse University from another institution, within any 12-month period to maintain satisfactory progress, with a 2.0 semester and overall average; students cannot graduate with courses having missing grades or incompletes.

For graduation, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 and at least a 2.00 GPA in all ECS, mathematics, and science courses taken at Syracuse University. In addition, students must meet all degree requirements specific to their chosen major.

Arts and Sciences/Engineering & Computer Science (Combined Degrees)

Arts and Sciences contact the Advising and Academic Support Office, 329 Hall of Languages, 315-443-3150.

Engineering and Computer Science contact Maria Marceau, Director of Student Records, 130 Link Hall, 315-443-5191.
Engineering Faculty, See individual departments listed in the ”College of Engineering and Computer Science.”

The College of Arts and Sciences, in cooperation with the College of Engineering and Computer Science, offers a five-year combined curriculum. Students complete the requirements for and receive two degrees-one degree in a major of their choice in engineering or computer science and one degree in a major in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students who enter this program are urged to talk with advisors in both departments in which they plan to major as soon as possible. It is important that they learn the curricular requirements of each department in order to understand how best to merge the two sets of requirements.

Students register with the College of Arts and Sciences as the home college for the first three years. They receive a basic education in mathematics and science along with a liberal education in the social sciences and humanities. While most of the coursework taken during that time is in the liberal arts, approximately one quarter of the program consists of first- and second-year courses in the engineering field chosen by the students.

After completing the third year, students transfer the home college designation to the College of Engineering and Computer Science while maintaining a connection with the College of Arts and Sciences. The fourth and fifth years of the program focus on engineering subjects. The B.A. or B.S. degree in the Arts and Sciences major may be awarded upon completion of the fourth year, but increased scheduling options are possible by completing both degrees at the end of the fifth year.

While some flexibility is possible in the program, it is a formalized curriculum. Students usually major in mathematics, biology, physics, or chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences, although other majors are allowed upon approval by both colleges. The completion of the combined degree program requires a minimum of 150 total credits earned.

Admission requirements are the same as those for students entering the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Students who are already enrolled in the College of Engineering and Computer Science or the College of Arts and Sciences may transfer into the combined program provided requirements can be met. Such transfers must be approved by both colleges.

Intra-University Transfer

Students who wish to transfer into any program within the College of Engineering and Computer Science from another school or college within the University should have a strong record of achievement and demonstrated success in key technical courses and a cumulative GPA of 3.00. Specifically, it is critical for the applicant to have proven their ability to excel in college-level calculus (by completing at least one of MAT 295 , MAT 296 , or MAT 397  with a grade of B- or better) and science (by completing at least one set of PHY 211 /PHY 221  or CHE 106 /CHE 107  with a grade of B- or better). Students who wish to major in computer science must also complete CIS 252  with a grade of at least a B.

Advising in ECS

We want to see every student succeed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science.  Starting in the first semester each undergraduate student is assigned a support network consisting of a Faculty Advisor, Success Advisor, and Career Advisor to guide them on academic, professional, and social matters from their transition to college through degree completion.

Through engagement with the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the Student Success Center, upon graduation, an ECS undergraduate student:

  • Will have established a personal, academic, and professional support network
  • Will have developed a peer network through involvement in college activities, mentoring opportunities, and leadership experiences
  • Will be able to develop and model an accurate sense of self; cultivate a profound understanding of personal motivation; and practice personal, academic, & professional responsibility
  • Will proactively make every effort to increase their skill sets and remain abreast of the latest technology so as to maintain a competitive advantage
  • Will be encouraged to take the initiative to develop the skills necessary to position themselves as a competitive candidate in academic and professional markets
  • Will have utilized the available internal and external resources and engage with a variety of career-related services so that they can successfully obtain co-op/internship/research opportunities and ultimately achieve successful post-graduation goals
  • Will be able to articulate the connection between their degree program and their professional aspirations

Faculty Advising

All students are assigned to a faculty member in their chosen Department who they will meet with each semester to discuss their curriculum, progress toward degree, course selection and registration for the following semester, and professional mentoring in their field. 

Student Success Advising

Success Advisors focus on the students’ overall experience and success.  Through individual meetings, small group workshops, and large-scale events, Success Advisors assist student in goal setting, time management, campus involvement, stress management, wellness, and other strategies to overcome challenges. 

Success Advisors work collaboratively with a students’ Faculty and Career Advisors, as well as various campus partners, to provide holistic support in reaching their goals. 

First and second year students, as well as students on academic probation meet regularly with their Success Advisor to build a strong foundation for their experience in ECS.  Success Advisors monitor all students’ progress through Orange Success and provide timely and effective outreach in addressing challenges that arise.

Career Services

The Career Services staff encourages our students to take advantage of our offerings so that we can empower them to get the most out of their college experience. 

Highlights of our services include, but are not limited to:

Career Preparation: Resume preparation, Interview skills, Job search strategies, Cover letter writing, Negotiating the offer, Business acumen coaching, Mock interviewing, Career fair preparation sessions.

Campus Fairs: College specific career fair, Campus-wide career fair, Employer networking and information events.

Co-Op: The Engineering and Computer Science Cooperative Education program (Co-op) empowers undergraduate students to take advantage of experiential learning opportunities that have proven to aid them in successfully reaching their post-graduate goals. The Co-op program consists of full-time professional work primarily during the summer. This design allows students the opportunity to gain more than six months of paid work experience in their field of study and still graduate in four years. Working during the academic year is an option that students may choose, with the understanding that their ability to graduate in four years may be affected. To be eligible, students must be enrolled full time in the College of Engineering and Computer Science.

Office of Inclusive Excellence

The Office of Inclusive Excellence is committed to breaking barriers and building bridges in our community. We augment and integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion within the college through education, research, dialogue, policy, and assessment.  The Office leads high-impact student retention programs, and hosts training and education for faculty, staff, and students.

Inclusive Excellence Programs are designed to foster a sense of community, collaboration, support and individual growth.  Highlights of some support opportunities available through the Office of inclusive excellence include:

  • Academic Excellence Workshops (AEW) are peer-facilitated, one-credit, pass/fail courses designed to support academic excellence by supplementing instruction in many first and second year courses. Students are able to register for these classes during the course add period via MySlice.
  • In addition to AEW, the College is committed to offering a number of different resources to ensure academic success. Tutoring support, including Sponsorship Vouchers for fee based tutoring in eligible courses, is available each semester.
  • Through our partnership with nationally recognized InterFaith Works of Central NY, we use our Leadership Dialogue Circle program to develop inclusive excellence leadership skills-crucial for enhancing campus climate and skills cited by employers as essential for leadership in today’s global, diverse, and multicultural workforce.  The dialogue circles bring people together in small groups to foster mutual understanding and trust, uncovering new ways to work together and solve problems. Each circle is led by diverse, trained facilitators to address and encourage understanding across identity differences.  Dialogue Circles are available to faculty, staff, and students.
  • The ECS Inclusive Excellence Council is led by the Assistant Dean and comprised of faculty, staff and students. Driven by work in various sub-committees, the council is an action-based group focused on representation, expanding opportunities for underrepresented minorities and females and supporting the ECS Leadership Dialogue Circle program.
  • Support and development of ECS Student Organizations, Pre-College Initiatives, and various targeted events, are additional opportunities to engage and integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Undergraduate Minors

Engineering Students

Engineering students can pursue any minor within the University. Students are required to complete from 128 to 139 credits, depending on their program of study. Minors can be earned by taking optional or additional coursework. Minors commonly pursued include mathematics, economics, and management.

Computer Science Students

Computer science students can easily pursue any minor within the University. Of the 123 credits required for graduation, 9 credits are free electives. Minors commonly pursued are mathematics, cognitive science, or operations management.

Bioengineering Students

Bioengineering students can earn a mathematics minor within the prescribed curriculum. Other minors (e.g., biology) can be earned by taking additional courses. Students enrolling with AP credit or who take summer school courses can easily select from a variety of minors.

Computer Engineering Students

Students can easily pursue two minors simultaneously. Without adding any courses to their programs of study, they can pursue a minor in mathematics, and a second one in a discipline outside the College of Engineering and Computer Science.

Electrical Engineering Students

Students can easily pursue a technical minor, a non-technical minor without adding any additional course to their program of study. Additionally, a mathematics minor can be obtained by taking only one additional math course.

All Other Students

Students enrolled in colleges other than Engineering and Computer Science can earn a minor in computer science. Students with sufficient background in math and science can pursue a minor in computer engineering or electrical engineering.

Study Abroad

In a time of rapidly growing global complexity and opportunity, international study is an increasingly important and relevant component of undergraduate study, especially for students preparing for careers in engineering or computer science. Of all the major professions, engineering and computer science are the most likely to involve international activity. In addition to strong technical skills, employers are increasingly looking for international experience, cross-cultural skills by developing a “global mindset” and perspectives, and an understanding of the world’s diversity.

For over 20 years, E&CS in a partnership with SU Abroad, has been a national leader in providing distinctive international study opportunities. These opportunities include:

  • Study at SU Centers during Fall or Spring Semesters at: Florence, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Santiago and Strasbourg.
  • Study at World Partner Programs at affiliated universities at: Dublin, Hong Kong, Istanbul and Sydney.
  • Summer Research program in Strasbourg, France

The College of Engineering and Computer Science’s international study programs give students the opportunity to gain global experience, develop new ways of viewing the world, form lasting friendships abroad, and deepen their connection to other countries, languages and cultures. Students with these experiences gain a competitive edge in today’s multinational, multicultural environment.

To participate, students must be in good academic standing with a cumulatively GPA of 3.0 and in one of Syracuse University’s engineering, computer science and systems & information science programs or in an equivalent program elsewhere. Participants must also meet any language requirements of the host country.

For further information, contact the College of Engineering and Computer Science Study Abroad Office in 130 Link Hall or Syracuse University Study Abroad, 106 Walnut Place (suabroad.syr.edu).

Facilities and Research



The College of Engineering and Computer Science has facilities in three buildings on the SU Main Campus: Edwin A. Link Hall, Bowne Hall and the Center for Science and Technology, located at the east end of the Quad. In addition, the college operates teaching and research facilities at the Institute for Sensory Research, located on SU’s South Campus.

More than 200 computers are available around the clock for the exclusive use of students in engineering and computer science. These computers are housed in Windows, Mac and UNIX computer labs networked by up-to-date servers offering a range of software appropriate to the disciplines offered by the college.

Students in the college can readily access campus-wide resources operated by the University’s central Information Technology Services (ITS) organization. Wireless network access is available in all campus buildings and across the Quad. Detailed information about IT resources campus-wide is available at its.syr.edu.




Combined Degree